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PBO-OBS stock loan for publicly llisted companies wordwide, low and fix intrest rates.





We represent the leading company in the sector, which offers the widest variety of stock loans and securities-based financing solutions in the industry. If you have publicly trading stocks on any major stock exchange worldwide, chances are that we can help you. 


  1. Most stocks qualify for our unique stock loan product.

  2. No personal guarantee is required.

  3. No credit review is needed.

  4. No personal income or tax returns are required.

  5. No business income or business tax returns are required to get a loan.

  6. You gain 100% of all the rewards of any stock appreciation and dividends.

  7. Up to 80% of the value of your securities with no recourse.

  8. Low fixed interest rates.

Important Note: When it comes to choosing between a low LTV loan with full recourse and a high LTV stock loan with no personal recourse, it's essential to understand the potential risks involved. A low LTV loan with full recourse can be more dangerous to a borrower because they are personally liable for the entire loan amount. This means that if the borrower defaults on the loan, they can lose their personal assets, including their home, savings, and other investments, to satisfy the debt. Additionally, full recourse means that the lender has the right to pursue the borrower for any outstanding balance, even after selling the collateralized asset.

A high LTV stock loan by PBO-OBS Global Group with no personal recourse can still have risks but they are limited.


  1. Borrowers must be seeking a minimum loan of USD 1,000,000 (or the equivalent in a different currency). There is no maximum loan amount.  

  2. Stocks qualify if they have a minimum daily trading volume of USD 50,000 or more. Securities are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Interest is paid quarterly in advance. Annual rates usually set at 3.99%.  

  4. Stock Loan terms can be between three to ten years and can be extended at the end of term at the lender’s sole discretion.

  5. Dividends and other share-related benefits are disbursed at loan term.

  6. Eligible securities include stocks and penny stocks. We lend against free trading securities traded on most exchanges worldwide.

  7. Ownership of shares remains entitled in the name of the Borrower during the entire loan period.

Dollar Bills


  • Borrower fills out and returns our standard CIS/KYC and Loan Intake forms.

  • Borrower signs our NCNDA and Commission Agreement.

  • Borrower sends basic information about the Stocks to be used as loan collateral.

  • Then the 14-day Loan Process starts.


1. - Day 1 Borrower and Lender or his Representative hold a live voice or video call.​


2. - If Lender requires, we submit loan request to Lender’s Credit Committee.


3. - Day 2-3 Lender approves the Terms & Conditions and sends them to Borrower for acceptance.


4. - Day 4-5 Loan document is drafted and sent to the Borrower for final acceptance. Once done, Custodian Account details and Agreement are sent to the Client.


5. - Day 6-7 Custodian Account opened in the name of the Borrower and Control Agreement executed and filed with Custodian. *Ownership of shares remains entitled in the name of the Borrower during the entire loan period.


6. - Day 8-10 Non-Title Transfer of collateral from Borrower’s Previous Account to Borrower’s New Account; title never changes during the entire loan process and the account is set up in Borrower’s name. The Custodian Account shows the total of shares deposited for compliance as well as statements.


7. - Day 11-12 Tranche Closing Statement is issued with proceeds and fees and sent for Borrower’s acceptance.​


8. - Day 13-14 Lender sends Loan Proceeds by Bank Wire Transfer to Borrower.

To verify Stocks eligibility, fill in the Basic Stock Information Sheet and submit to:

NOTE: There are no upfront fees charged by the Lender. Any fees charged by the Lender are paid out of loan proceeds, never before the loan closes. There are no breakup fees or other hidden charges. The loan process is easy and secure during the entire loan process. No step in the Loan Process can be skipped or advanced until the prior step in the loan process has been completed.


​Neither the information nor any opinion contained in this website constitute a solicitation or a direct offer by PBO-OBS Global Advisory Group. These are solely for informational purposes and reflect the Terms and Conditions of various Third Party Partners with whom we work on a case-to-case basis. These Terms and Conditions may also vary from time to time depending on various factors where we do not have any control or influence and therefore these Terms and Conditions do not represent any final commitment. Clients must be aware of the need to update them and to confirm at the time of project application.


At any time during the funding process, if the Lender breaches the Loan Agreement, the Borrower has rights under the Control Agreement to ask for the shares to be delivered back from their Custodian Account to their Previous Account without any penalty from the Lender. Any time before the loan is completed, the Borrower may stop the loan process without any fees, penalty fees or other charges by the Lender. This is a transparent loan process and will only be completed if you the Borrower are comfortable and satisfied during the entire loan process - even up to the day before we wire your funds from the Closing Statement.


If for any reason the Lender does not fund the Borrower, per the Loan Agreement, the Control Agreement and the Custodian would protect the Borrower from any loss of Borrower’s shares. At the request of the Borrower, the Custodian holding the shares in Borrower’s name would be required to return the shares back to the Previous Account from which they were sent.  


This is a reliable transaction that has been proven safe over a decade of loans. It is a secure and systematic exact loan process to guarantee that you are funded and satisfied. The Lender is the only one in the Stock Loan industry that places these safety measures and timelines in place for the Borrower to indemnify that you are funded exactly per the loan documents.


Time periods are estimated above and can be faster or slower depending on the speed of the Borrower at each step to advance to the next step.


Lender is domiciled in the British Virgin Islands, regulated by the BVI Financial Services Commission and registered in good standing with a worldwide presence in the international stock loan market. The BVI Financial Services Commission is a member of IOSCO – the International Organisation of Securities Commissions.

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